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Keeping healthy


It is important to keep yourself fit and healthy, so you can have a good life.  You should: 

• Eat well

• Move more

• Don't smoke

• Drink less alcohol

• Stress less and sleep better

• Know where to go if you feel unwell


Making small changes

You can make small changes in your life, that will help you be healthy and happy.

Your family and friends can help you make these changes.


Herefordshire Council's Healthy Lifestyle Team can help you too.

You can call them on 01432 383567.


Eat well

A healthy diet can help you look and feel great.

The Eatwell Guide helps you to eat well and you can find it on the NHS website.



Obesity is when a person is overweight, which means they are carrying too much body fat for their height and gender. 

If you are overweight, it is not healthy for your body.


Obesity can happen when you keep eating more calories than you need.  A calorie is the energy in the food and drinks you have.

If you eat more calories than you burn off through exercise, your body will store it as fat.


Eating well is important for everyone, whatever their shape and size.

If you don't eat well, you are more at risk of getting heart disease and a range of cancers.


Move more

Getting enough exercise means a stronger, fitter you.

It is good for your body and your mind too.


You can move more by doing small things, like walking up the stairs instead of using the lift.

For short journeys, you could try walking instead of using the bus.


There are lots of different ways you can exercise like walking, swimming or playing sport.

Going to the disco and dancing is good exercise too!


There are lots of clubs you can join, where you can make new friends too.

You can find clubs and activities you would like to join by looking on the Talk Community directory and events calendar.


Moving more will also help you:

  • Feel stronger and give you more energy

  • Keep your weight down

  • Sleep better and feel more relaxed

  • Be happier

Don't smoke

If you smoke, it will be damaging your body.  If you want to stop smoking, it will help you improve your health, make you feel better and it will save you money.

You can get help to stop smoking from your doctor, pharmacy or Herefordshire Council's Healthy Lifestyle Team.

You can find out more about this on the support to stop smoking page.


Be smoke free!  You can ask people who smoke around you, to not smoke or to stop smoking too, because it also affects your health.

E-cigarettes or vaping can help some people to stop smoking.


Drink less alcohol

If you drink too much alcohol, it can make you feel very poorly.  It can also make you do silly things.

If you need help to cut down the amount of alcohol you drink, you can talk to someone you know and trust and ask them to help you.

You find out more about drinking less alcohol on the alcohol page.


Stress less and sleep better

Relaxing can help you feel good and less stressed.

Listening to music or seeing friends helps lots of people to relax, which means they stress less.


It is important to get a good night's sleep, because it means your mind can relax.


Where to go if you feel unwell

If you feel unwell, tell someone you know and trust and ask them for help. 

You can also go to a local pharmacy, when you have a mild illness, like a cold, flu, stomach ache or if you need to buy some medication.


If you have an illness or injury, that won't go away, you can call your doctor or call the NHS on 111.


If you have a serious or life-threatening problem, you should go to the accident and emergency (A&E) department at the hospital.


Looking after yourself

There are things you can do to help you stop feeling ill.

Make sure you have regular health checks with your nurse or doctor.


Use your medicines properly and always take the right amount at the right time.  Your doctor or pharmacist will tell you what you need to do.

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