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Homelessness prevention and housing advice

If you are homeless or are at risk of homelessness, visit the Herefordshire council website to find out about available support. 

There's a range of information, advice and assistance available, both locally and nationally, to support your housing needs and, where possible, prevent you from becoming homeless.

Local support

Herefordshire Council offer different housing and homelessness services, including...

  • The Housing Solutions Team provide advice to households experiencing housing difficulty, in order to help residents evaluate their housing options and, where possible, help prevent them from becoming homeless.  In situations where all alternatives have been considered and homelessness can’t be prevented, the team can offer temporary accommodation to eligible households.

    If you’re concerned you may be at risk of losing your home, please contact the Housing Solutions Team immediately:

    Call: 01432 261546 or 01432 261547 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm)


    Visit: Blueschool House, Blueschool Street, Hereford, HR1 2LX (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm)  

    If you need emergency assistance outside of normal office hours, you can call 01432 261600.  Please note: The out of hours service is only for those who are without a roof over their head in an emergency and are unable to access accommodation on that night.

Home Point Herefordshire is a choice based lettings agency, run in partnership between Herefordshire Council and the county’s main housing associations.  Home Point manage the social housing waiting list and advertise available properties within the county, although the allocation for each home is the responsibly of the relevant housing association.

Call: 01432 260300


Visit: Blueschool House, Blueschool Street, Hereford, HR1 2LX (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays, 10am to 4pm)

National support

Crisis work directly with people who are homeless to provide vital help, advice and support, depending on an individual's situation and needs.

Shelter provide advice, support and legal services to those who are struggling with bad housing or homelessness.  They also have a free emergency helpline on 0808 800 4444, available 365 days a year, for people facing a housing crisis.

The Salvation Army offer a range of services to help those who are at risk of becoming homeless or are already experiencing homelessness.

Herefordshire Homeless Hub drop-in at Union Café at Hereford City Church is open Monday to Friday 11 to 2 pm.  

Open door hub and access to professionals specialising in homelessness in Herefordshire.  Each day there will be trained professionals at The Herefordshire Homeless Hub, which is an open-door cafe. There is no need to book - just drop in on the day which best suits your needs. 

Help rough sleepers to access appropriate support

Streetlink is a website that anybody can use to report someone who is sleeping rough to appropriate support services. In Herefordshire, reports that come through Streetlink are sent directly to Herefordshire Council’s Rough Sleeper Outreach Team who can then take appropriate action to ensure that suitable support is offered to that person within a matter of days.

When making a Streetlink referral, please include as much information as possible – as this gives the team the best chance of locating and supporting the person at risk.

Whilst reports are acted on as quickly as possible, the team do not work 24/7 and therefore cannot always respond immediately. If you have serious concern for someone’s immediate welfare, it would be advised to consider whether emergency services would be needed.


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