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Older people's housing

As people become older, factors such as decreasing mobility sometimes mean that their homes are no longer suitable without some support or adaptation. While some people decide to stay put in their current home, others move into specialist housing for older people.

The options available are described below:  

There are often options available to you that will allow you to make changes to your home or to how you do things that will make your home more suitable for your changing needs and help you live safely and independently.

Visit our section on Supporting yourself at home for information about some of the things you can do to help you around the home, or if you think you need a little bit of extra help look at our Support and care options section for information.

Sometimes adaptations to the home may help people to remain in them. Visit our section on Adapting your home for details.



Some older people may wish or need to move to accommodation which is more appropriate for them.

The main options in Herefordshire are independent living schemes or sheltered housing.

Residents in these schemes have their own flat or bungalow, retaining the privacy and independence of having their own front door, while having the security of a 24-hour alarm system to alert someone if they should need help and often a part-time scheme manager.

Retirement schemes may be provided by housing associations, charities or private developers.

Details of individual schemes can be found on the Housing Care website

If you are interested in housing association independent living or sheltered schemes you should apply through Home Point as many of the properties are let to applicants from the council’s housing register.


Extra care housing offers an older person self-contained accommodation with their own front door but also a higher level of support than sheltered schemes.

There are additional facilities such as a gym, conservatory, hobby room, library and restaurant. There is an extra care scheme at the Rose Garden, Hereford, which is managed by Fortis Living. The whole site is wheelchair accessible.


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