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How did you do?
1) Approximately what percentage of adults smoke in Herefordshire?
1) 12%
2) Approximately how many people are admitted to hospital each year in Herefordshire, as a result of alcohol consumption?
2) 800
5) Which of these statements about vaccines are false?
1) Vaccines contain harmful ingredients like mercury (thiomersal) (False)
- Vaccines do not contain mercury (thiomersal) and do not contain any ingredients that cause harm in such small amounts – but speak to your doctor if you have any known allergies such as eggs or gelatin
3) Vaccines can overload and weaken a child’s immune system (False)
- Vaccine do not overload or weaken the immune system – it's safe to give children several vaccines at a time and this reduces the amount of injections they need
5) Vaccines can cause Autism (False)
- Vaccines do not cause autism – studies have found no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism
4) Which of the following statements do you believe to be correct (there may be more than one correct answer)?
1) The MECC e-learning is focused on seven key areas: Drinking alcohol sensibly, stopping smoking, healthy eating, physical activity, mental health and wellbeing, oral health and sexual health
3) Unhealthy lifestyles can have serious consequences, causing diseases that last for a long time and recur (chronic) or that have a rapid onset and / or short course (acute). The good news is that we can do something about this and we can encourage people to make lifestyle changes