Flu, also known as influenza, is different from a heavy cold and can be dangerous for those who are very young, elderly or have a long term illness. It's also highly infectious and spreads quickly through coughs and sneezes.
There are a number of different symptoms, which can come on very rapidly, including:
- Fever (a temperature of 38°C or above)
- Aching body
- Dry cough
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Feeling tired or exhausted
- Difficulty sleeping
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhoea or stomach pain
- Nausea and being sick
To find out more about flu, its symptoms and how to treat it, visit the NHS website.
Flu vaccination
You can help protect yourself against flu, by having the annual one-off vaccination. Take a look at our flu vaccination page for further details.