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Physical disability

If you have a physical disability there is support available to help you live an independent and healthy life. There are plenty of things you can do to increase your independence.

There is equipment and technology to assist you around the home and when out and about, or you may need to consider adapting your home. Visit our Equipment, adaptations and technology section for information.

The National Key Scheme (NKS), or RADAR (Royal Association for Disability Rights) scheme provides disabled key holders with independent access to the toilets provided for them and increases the likelihood of the facilities being in a usable state. Visit our section on toilet facilities for further information about this and facilities across Herefordshire.

There are a number of organisations across Herefordshire who provide services, advice and help for people with a disability. You can search for these organisations and services in our services and groups directory.

If you are caring for someone who is living with a disability, you can find out about the support available to you as a carer in the looking after someone section.

The NHS provides some useful information about getting active with a disability and how you can gain support and register as having a sensory impairment

The Equality and Human Rights Commission also offers information about your rights including education, employment, access to services and what the law says.

Disability Rights UK is also a useful source of information.

Herefordshire Disability United is a voice for disabled people and provides an opportunity to speak out on local and national disability issues, visit their website for further information.  

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