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Suicide Prevention

If you’ve seriously harmed yourself, perhaps by taking a drug overdose, or feel you’re in crisis, call 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A&E.  If you can’t do it yourself, please ask someone to help you.


One in five people will experience suicidal thoughts, but starting that conversation can be difficult. Therefore we have put together a range of signposting materials and resources if you, or someone else you know needs help and support.

To get that conversation started charities Mind & Papyrus have put together some useful tools so you feel confident in saying and asking the right things.

Helping someone talk about suicidal feelings

How to have difficult conversations about suicide

No one should have to struggle with difficult feelings alone, as there’s lots of help and support available, both locally and nationally, if you need it. 


Watch the Now We're Talking video featuring GB Boxer and Commonwealth Gold Medalist Delicious Orie


Emergency Contacts for Urgent Mental Health Support

Herefordshire & Worcestershire 24/7 Urgent Mental Health Helpline 0808 196 9127 

Samaritans 116 123

Emergency Response 999

Herefordshire Mind provide a range of mental health related services and activities in the county. They also offer a Safe Haven, 7 days a week from 5pm to 10pm, for anyone over the age of 18, in crisis or in need of support.

➡ 01432 271 643

NHS Talking Therapies is a free and confidential service, run by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, which can help if you're feeling stressed, anxious or depressed.

➡ 01432 220 507

Marches Counselling Services offer affordable, professional counselling and psychotherapy services, both in person and remotely, for adults aged 18 and over who are experiencing personal distress.

➡ 01432 279 906

Hub of Hope is a mental health support database, provided by Chasing the Stigma. It brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place.

Samaritans offer support for whatever you're going through, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A Samaritan will face it with you.

➡ Call 116 123 (free)

Shout offer 24/7 crisis support via text, if you're struggling to cope and need immediate help.

➡ Text "HERE" to 85258

CALM provide a helpline and webchat open 365 days a year between 5pm to midnight, offering practical suggestions for life’s problems.

➡ 0800 585858

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK lines are open every day from 6 pm until midnight, offering a safe haven for anyone who needs someone to talk to.

➡ 0800 689 5652

Stay Alive app is a suicide prevention resource, which is full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. You can use it if you’re having suicidal thoughts or if you’re concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.

The CLD Trust / Strong Young Minds provide support and counselling for young people aged 10 to 24 years old to address any issues which affect their mental health and wellbeing, including anxiety, anger, family or relationship problems, eating difficulties and self-image, self-harm, substance misuse or bullying.

➡ 01432 269 245

Kooth offers online counselling and emotional well-being support through their website and app. Sign up is required.

Papyrus provide confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide and anyone worried about a young person.

➡ 0800 068 4141

Childline support anyone under 19 with any issue they may be going through.

➡ 0800 11 11

We Are Farming Minds is a Herefordshire based charity offering a free 24/7 support line and counselling to those involved in the agricultural industry.

➡ Call 0808 802 0070 or text 07786 203 130 

Lighthouse Club offer a confidential 24/7 helpline for those working in the construction industry and their families, who may need additional support with health and mental wellbeing or debt management issues. 

➡ 0345 605 1956


One Call Away is a helpline for the gypsy/traveller community, offering confidential support for those depressed or suicidal.

➡ 07393 561 735 or 07748 997 617

Combat Stress provide a free 24/7 helpline, as well as clinical treatment and support for veterans from the British Armed Forces.

0800 1381619

British Sign Language users now have the option to contact PAPYRUS’s suicide prevention helpline using a British Sign Language video interpreter.

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