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Carer support organisations

There are a range of different local and national organisations, which can help support you in your caring role.

Local support

Crossroads Gloucestershire provide care and support services in Herefordshire for adults living with disabilities or in social isolation, alongside a range of services specifically for carers, which can help to improve your wellbeing and assist you in your caring role. 

Crossroads Together offer practical support for unpaid carers who look after someone with a disability or life affecting illness.  If you're new to caring or are an existing carer who needs some additional support, you can also access their free CarerLinks Herefordshire information and advice service.

Dementia Matters Here support people affected by dementia and their families in Herefordshire.  They offer different services for anyone caring for a loved one with dementia, including a fortnightly carers' support group and buddying service, where you can access peer support, information and advice.

Herefordshire Carers offer a range of different activities, events and day trips for the county's carers, which can help give you a break from your caring role and meet others in a similar situation.  They also offer a free Carers Emergency Card scheme, which ensures that in the event of an accident or being taken ill, the person you care for will still be looked after in your absence.

Rejuvenate! is a friendly creative carers group, which meet every month at The Courtyard in Hereford.  It's a great way for you to take some time out of your caring role, meet other carers and develop some wonderful arts and crafts.

National support

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