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Quit smoking, save money

With prices rising quitting smoking could be the change you need to make this winter, not only for your health but also for your wealth.

The current cost of living crisis is affecting everyone, with many uncertain about how they will cope this winter. With around 3 in 4 adults worried about the rising cost of living and 63% using less fuel in their homes due to rising costs, quitting smoking could really help towards paying your bills this winter.

By quitting smoking today you could save either….

£44.52 per week = Money towards a weekly food shop.

Or… £178.08 per month = Money towards rent, or Christmas presents.

Or…..£2136.96 per year = Money towards your annual Gas and electricity bill.

*Figures are based on the average price of cigarettes being £12.72 and smoking 10 a day. Please download the NHS free smoking app to see exactly how much your habit is costing you.

You are 3 times as likely to stop smoking for good with medication and help.

If you are a Herefordshire resident, and registered with one of the county’s GPs, you are entitled to expert support from our stop smoking service. This provides:

  1. 12 weeks of personal stop smoking support
  2. Face-to-face behavioural support – you can choose from a range of nicotine replacement therapy options to help you
  3. Support if you choose to use e-cigarettes

Please email or call 01432 383567 to speak to one of our health trainers.

Visit Talk Community’s stop smoking webpages for more information, or their Money, debt and budgeting webpage if you need help with your finances.

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