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Shopping for food

If you are finding it more difficult to go shopping for food, there are things you can do that may help, for example:

  • Consider using online shopping with a supermarket. Go to the supermarket's website for details.
  • Ask the customer service desk at the supermarket for assistance with your shopping.
  • Some supermarkets offer a delivery service for people who shop in store. (Check with your local supermarket if they offer this as there may be a minimum spend required or there could be delivery charges).
  • If travelling to the supermarket is difficult, see if a family member or friend is able to take you with them when they go.
  • If eligible for Attendance Allowance you could use this to pay for a taxi in order to do your shopping.
  • Check if there is a food van in your area, do a search in the internet and see what comes up.
  • There are also organisations that deliver food as well as the supermarkets, such as boxes of fruit and vegetables, ask them if they offer this service.
  • If you need assistance with transport, please take a look at our transport, travel and mobility section.
  • For advice about buying the right food to help you maintain a balanced diet, please go to our healthy eating page or for 20 tips to eat well for less, visit the NHS website.

You can also use our directory to find local groups or organisations, which can help you with your shopping...

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