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Six things people can do to help themselves and the NHS this winter

16 January 2023

Health leaders across Herefordshire and Worcestershire are asking people to look after themselves this winter by doing six simple things to stay well over winter and to help prevent additional pressures on the NHS.

Winter always sees a rise in infections, such as flu and respiratory illnesses but this year, with Covid still around and people mixing more over the festive period this has put additional pressure on health and care services.

Six things people can take now to help:

  • Help relatives get home from hospital as soon as they are discharged and ready to go home. This will help free up beds quicker so they are available for the sickest patients.
  • Boost your immunity by taking up flu and Covid-19 vaccines.
  • Stay at home if you have a winter
    illness and look after yourself with
    advice from
  • If you're feeling unwell but need to go out, consider wearing a face covering if you can
  • Check in regularly on elderly or vulnerable relatives and neighbours – it can help stop them from being admitted to hospital by simply checking in to see that their home is heated, that they are eating well, and that they’re staying hydrated.

Read the full press release for more information from Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board.

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