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TECS Marketplace Event in Hereford

06 February 2024

On Friday 16th February 2024 Herefordshire Council will be demonstrating technologies that are being used across the county to help elderly and vulnerable people stay safe at home.

The demonstrations will be held in the Herefordshire Council head office at Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE between 10 AM and 3 PM.

As well as technologies that we have been using for some time, that can recognise adverse events such as falls and can summon assistance. New technologies will be on display that can be used to predict and prevent those incidences from occurring and provide information about the welfare of service users to the vulnerable person themselves and to their carers.

These new technologies will enable Herefordshire Council to not only better support vulnerable people, but also to support those who care for vulnerable people.

This is a "drop in" event that is open to the public, to carers and to professionals from all disciplines.  There will be opportunities to see and touch the equipment as well as talk to the manufacturers and installers of the equipment.


TEC Marketplace Event, Friday 16th Febraur 10am-3pm Herefordshire Council Offices, Plough Lane, HR4 0LE Come and meet the TECS suppliers, including NRS - Ewuipment provider partner, Easylink - Assistive technology manufacturers, Independent Living Supplies, TeleAlarm, Cascade 3D, Vision Link, Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue. Photograph shows woman sat in chair, with device on her wrist

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