Separation and divorce
If you and your partner have decided to separate, it can be hard to deal with, especially if you have children. Everyone deals with separation differently but there are some things you can try to make the separation easier for you and your children.
Top tips
- Lean on your friends and ask for help and support if you need it.
- You may want to keep busy but try not to overburden yourself.
- Prioritise your child. When you’re with your child, try to put your feelings aside and make sure their needs and feelings come first.
- Provide some stability, by keeping routines and by spending time with your child and being open to their questions.
- Reassure your child that it will be okay, and that you still love them and will be there for them as much as you can.
Halla's Haven is the lone parent support hub for single parent families in Herefordshire.
Herefordshire Council's early help team can offer help and advice to families.
Home Start Herefordshire offer confidential support to families.
Family Lives website offers top tips for coping in the early days of separation or divorce.
Gingerbread provide information and support for single parent families across the country.
NSPCC provides information and advice to support children and young people during a separation.
Relate offer relationship counselling, as well as identifying practical issues and support available after a separation.