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Children/young people going missing

Young people go missing from home for lots of different reasons, sometimes they might not come home because they feel they need some space.

Giving young people the opportunity to be open and honest about their problems can help and this can prevent them from feeling like they need to run away.

Common reasons for young people to go missing include:

  • Problems at school, including bullying
  • Family problems
  • Abuse
  • Being groomed (child exploitation)

If your child goes missing you must report this to the police.  For more information please visit the Parents against child exploitation (Pace) website.

Top Tips if your child goes missing

  • Check - for signs where they might have gone.  Check their room, social media, call their friends
  • Think - Has there been a change in behaviour recently?  Have they been wearing different clothes, changed their friendship circle, started using substances
  • Call - The police, you don’t have to wait 24 hours. Keep a log of the police officer you have spoken to and dial 101 for updates.


PACE (Parents Against Child Exploitation)  information and advice for parents. 

The Children's Society information for parents worrying about a child going missing and what to do if a child goes missing.

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