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Autism and your child

An autistic child participating in a learning exercise

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates and interacts with others and how they perceive the world around them. 

Every autistic person is different and will have different needs: some autistic people will need help from a carer or parent every day, others may need little or no support.

Signs of autism in young children can include:

  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Getting very upset if they do not like a particular taste or sound
  • Not talking as much as other children
  • Making repetitive movements

Signs of autism in older children can include

  • Liking routines and being distressed if they change
  • Finding it difficult to say how they feel
  • Struggling to understand what others may be thinking or feeling
  • Unusual speech habits

Read more about signs of autism in children on the NHS website.

Autism can present differently in boys and girls. Read more about this on the National Autistic Society’s website.

Top Tips

  • If you think that your child may have autism speak to your GP, Health Visitor (for under 5’s) or Special Educational Needs staff at your child’s school.
  • Getting a diagnosis can help you understand your child’s needs and get the right support.
  • Finding out about local autism friendly groups can help both autistic children and their parents/carers.
  • You might find it helpful to hear other people’s stories of autism.

Autism West Midlands provide information and advice for people with autism, their family and friends.  They also offer a range of different services, including community supported living, residential support, employment support, training for parents, groups and events.

The Herefordshire Autism Partnership Board consists of representatives from public services, support organisations and those with autism and / or their family carers.  The board aims to promote better understanding of autism and improve local services for people, families and carers living with autism.

Herefordshire Disability United is run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities and provides a voice for disabled people on local and national disability issues.

National Autistic Society – Herefordshire Branch is run by friendly local volunteers, all of whom are parents, carers, family or friends of someone with autism.  They offer an adult support network, youth and children’s groups, free training and talks and a resource library.

Parent Carer Voice Herefordshire is a Steering group of parents in Herefordshire who are working alongside the Local Authority and Health partnerships to ensure that the needs of Children & Young People up to the age of 25 years with Additional & Special Educational Needs are being met.

SENDIASS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Information support and advice service. 

Stepping Stones Triple P course free course for parents of children with a diagnosed additional need.

Autism Parenting Magazine has a range of free social stories you can download, covering areas such as making friends, sharing toys, anxiety or potty training.

Autistica is the UK’s leading autism research charity, which works to improve the lives of those with autism.  They also offer the Molehill Mountain app, which helps autistic people understand and manage anxiety.

Health Talk – hear from parents of children on the autism spectrum.

National Autistic Society provide a wealth of information and advice on autism, along with support centres, one to one and family support, social groups, activities and much more.

NHS provide a useful guide for those who may be autistic and their family and friends.  It covers a wide range of areas, including signs of autism in children and adults and how to get diagnosed.

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