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Playing to learn

children doing crafts together

Playing with your child is a great way for them to learn. Play helps children understand the world around them, develop language and social skills and develop their imagination.

Top tips

  • Children learn most when you are talking with them; singing with your child is a great way to help them develop language skills.
  • Recognise what your child is interested in and to follow their lead.
  • Avoid directing your child's play and instead, try describing what they're doing and offer encouragement.
  • Involve your child in everyday activities and make them fun.

    The NHS website has lots of ideas to help your children play and learn.  Better Health - Start for Life has playtime activity ideas for toddlers.

    The NCT website has information about baby play and communication, for your baby's development, with tips for interacting together.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s learning, speech or language development, you could contact your Health Visitor or your local Children’s Centre.


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