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Teen relationships

a teenage boy and girl talking to eachother

Setting boundaries in relationships is important to keep your relationship healthy. Without clear boundaries, it can be easy for one person to take advantage of the other, which can lead to relationship breakdowns, abuse and or negative mental health outcomes. Although this can be particularly evident in romantic relationships, where emotions, intimacy and vulnerability are often involved, it is important to focus on all types of relationships.

Top tips for young people

  • Identify your boundaries to encourage healthy relationships.
  • Tune into your thoughts and emotions.
  • Reflect on your values, beliefs and personal limits.
  • Be honest about behaviours that make you uncomfortable.
  • Communicate your boundaries.

Top tips for parents

  • Have the sex chat. Your teen is likely to have sex and it is better they do it safely. 
  • Set some rules appropriate for their age and maturity. You can give them a curfew or make sure the bedroom door is kept open - whatever you feel comfortable with.
  • Be calm. It can bring up a lot of emotions when your child gets into a relationship, but try to trust them because you have raised them well. 

CRUSH programme support young people affected by domestic abuse whether it's witnessed, experienced or perpetrated.

Early help and support at Herefordshire Council can help you navigate some of the trickier aspects of parenting. Support available for parents from birth through to the teenage years or up to 25 years old for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Parenting Courses in Herefordshire  are free to access and can help parents navigate some of the trickier aspects of parenting teenagers.

Sexual Health Services 4 Herefordshire provide a weekly young persons clinic for under 20's.

Strong Young Minds Project  support young people in Herefordshire with their mental health and wellbeing. 


Childline offer useful information and advice on friends, relationships and sex.

NSPCC - Healthy sexual behaviour advice for parents about healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviour in young people, including what to do if you are concerned.

 The Mix 'Setting boundaries in relationships ' article highlights the importance of setting boundaries in relationships and advice on how to achieve it.

The NHS offer useful information about sexual health. 

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