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Healthwatch Herefordshire is the consumer champion for health and social care services in Herefordshire. They are local people working for you, to represent the views of children and adults. They're inclusive and want people from every part of the community to participate. 

As a national scheme, every local council in England has their own Healthwatch. The national body, Healthwatch England, gives advice and guidance to its local Healthwatch. It is a statutory committee within the Care Quality Commission, accountable to the Secretary of State from Health.

If you have a compliment or a complaint about a service you are currently receiving in health or social care, then please do let them know. 

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Healthwatch Herefordshire then please have a look at how to get involved on their website. 

You can contact Healthwatch Herefordshire as follows or by visiting their website: 

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